Here's How Our Company Tripled in Size By Creating a Culture of Bold Kindness

When I joined my company in a leadership role nine years ago, I had an outsider's lens in more ways than one.

Not only was I new to the organization and the people who ran it, but the industry of in-home healthcare was a big pivot from retail, where I had spent most of my corporate career.

What struck me the most as I embarked on new terrain, was the genuine kindness I witnessed from our people who were servicing our clients with great compassion. Our business isn't built on transactions — it's built on trust. Our clients have to feel confident in our ability to support and care for their loved ones.

As genuine as our approach was, it was also clear there were areas where our corporate culture needed reshaping. For example, I recall walking into our shared kitchen daily, only to find the sink overflowing with dirty dishes. In meetings, I would hear people blame other team members for performance issues — signs that discipline and self-responsibility weren't being prioritized.

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